Privacy Policy

Hexa Services LTD are committed to protecting our clients’ and candidates’ data and will never share any of your personal information with third parties without your express instruction to share it.

This Privacy Policy outlines important information on the personal data we collect about you, what we do with your information, and who your information may be shared with.

Information we collect
We collect personal data about you, such as:

Candidates – your name, contact details, work history, education, skills and qualifications, references, and any other information you choose to provide as part of your job enquiry or application for a job vacancy.

If you contact us
i) directly by email, phone, through our website or social media channels
ii) indirectly through a third party such as an online job board.

Clients – named contact, company name, contact details, job description, person specification, and any other information you choose to provide as part of your job order or instruction for the provision of recruitment services, if you contact us directly by email, phone, or through our website.

Suppliers – named contact, company name, contact details, product or service offering, service-level agreement, terms and conditions, and any other information you choose to provide as part of your purpose for contacting us directly by email, phone, or through our website.

Personal data provided by/obtained from third parties
We may obtain information about you from third parties such as job boards when you give permission for them to share it with us, and social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter when you are looking for and / or show an interest in a job listing.

As a recruitment business, we have a legitimate business interest to help you find work, and to achieve this, we need to process your personal data.

Use of cookies
We use session cookies for essential website functionality and analytics cookies for statistical analysis purposes. The information collated does not include any personally identifiable information, nor does it give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. How your information is used

We may use your information for the following purposes:

Candidates – for matching you to suitable job vacancies, considering you for a vacancy you applied for, inviting you for interview, sending you post-interview feedback. We may pass on your personal data (e.g. CV, covering letter, obtained references and other requested supporting documentation) to a client for consideration for a specific vacancy with your consent.

Clients – for administration purposes (e.g. invoicing), when you ask us for information about our recruitment services, when you instruct us to provide you with recruitment services, or in the event that you wish to use our recruitment services in the future.

Suppliers – for administration purposes (e.g. invoicing), or in the event that we require your specific products or services in the future. Hexa Service LTD will never rent or sell any of your information.

Data security and retention
Hexa Services LTD will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal data. We store your personal data on a secured laptop, secured mobile phone and in a secured document storage facility, for a period of:

Candidates – 3 (three) months from the date of you submitting an application to us for a specific job vacancy, after which time your details will be removed from our records;Clients/Suppliers – We hold your details for as long as we have a business requirement to do so, or until such a time as you ask us to remove your details from our records. Unless we have your consent, or the law requires us to store the data for a longer period of time, your data and all associated files will be securely shredded and computer records deleted.

What rights do you have?
GDPR provides the following rights for individuals whose personal data is

Processed: The right to be informed; The right of access; The right to rectification; The right to erasure; The right to restrict processing; The right to data portability; The right to object to processing; Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling (Hexa Services LTD does not carry out automated decision-making and profiling) You can request a copy of the information we hold about you. You can require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold about you, free of charge, by advising us of the information that is incorrect and what it should be replaced with. You can ask us to stop contacting you for a particular purpose, or to remove your information completely from our records. There may be a legal reason why we need to keep your personal data, and in these circumstances, we will destroy your personal data as soon as we are legally entitled to do so.

If you have any concerns or complaints about how we use your personal data, please contact us as detailed below. If we are unable to resolve your issue and you are still unhappy, you are entitled to complain to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) which is the relevant supervising authority in the UK. Their contact details and their procedures can be found at all circumstances, you may need to provide proof of your identity. How to contact us

Please use our contact form if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the information we hold about you. Changes to the Privacy PolicyThis Privacy Policy is effective from 26th July 2024 and may be changed or updated by Hexa Services at any time.

Any changes will always be set out here.